Joseph Roberson has been teaching yoga since 1992–and he’s amazing at it. He’s taught more than 5,000 classes. He has written, developed, managed, and led Yoga Teacher Teacher Training programs. He has created and conducted yoga retreats in the Mid-Atlantic region and in Costa Rica. He has a fascinating knowledge of breathwork. He’s a brilliant photographer. He’s an excellent writer. His passion is designing, creating, and implementing learning programs that transform learners deeply.
-Suzanne Dulin, founder of GABB: Get A Bigger Boat (formerly Sadhana Learning)
Joseph R. Roberson was born and raised in Rockingham County, North Carolina. His first job was priming (picking) tobacco. He took his second job as a library page to pay for his first international adventure: a five-week trip to England and Ireland between junior and senior years of high school. Since then, he has traveled to The Netherlands, Costa Rica, India, Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar. Along the way, he has earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the Maryland Institute of Art, plus a Master’s degree in Instructional Systems Development. Roberson has taught art, papermaking, and breath-centered practices (yoga, pranayama, and meditation) to hundreds of students. His writing has appeared in numerous publications, including Hand Papermaking Magazine, The Poetry of Yoga, The Art of Wellbeing, Chiang Mai Guidelines, and Chiang Mai City Paper. His art has been featured in exhibits such as: Six Directions in Paper (a traveling exhibit Roberson curated), The Mythic Vision, and a one person show at Chiang Mai University.
– from the Amazon Author Page

Beyond all their health-related benefits, the most important benefit of breath-centered practices lies in their role in the process of transformation, also referred to as transformative learning. The very future of life on Planet Earth depends on the actions of individuals like you. Your words and action are determined by your worldview, emotional temperament, and assumptions about what is possible and what is not possible. Breath-centered practices reveal your already-always view of life based on our upbringing, cultural conditioning, and unique life experiences; they help you ‘upgrade the operating system’ that drives your decisions and actions.
I owe you, Joe! DownDogUpDog Coherent Breathing Symphony (expanded edition) Poems, Stories, and Images 1994-2019
Based on our experience, we can guarantee that if you make a commitment to the methods Joe shares, you will be healthier, happier, more creative, more courageous, more expansive, and more energized. May Joe’s great work, a veritable breath bible, be the resonator that oscillates this important message around the world.
– by Ravi Singh and Ana Brett, authors of The Kundalini Yoga Book – Life in the Vast Lane