
Intuition: Eye of the Storm

Intuition is accessible in quietude, in solitude, in what I call the ‘Eye of the Storm.’ Obviously, real tornadoes and hurricanes are destructive events; I am using this image as a metaphor. If your life is unbalanced and out of control then the results will be destructive. If your life is balanced, then the results will be … Read more

Hamsa, So’ham: Existence (the universe, God, whatever name you prefer) is your true identity…

The whole shooting match–universe, existence, reality–is your true identity. This is simple fact. Nothing esoteric or mysterious about it. Scientifically, how could you or I ever be separate from the whole? Impossible. Yet our experience of life is typically of separation, as in it’s me against the world or it’s us against them. And there … Read more