
Hamsa, So’ham: Existence (the universe, God, whatever name you prefer) is your true identity…

The whole shooting match–universe, existence, reality–is your true identity. This is simple fact. Nothing esoteric or mysterious about it. Scientifically, how could you or I ever be separate from the whole? Impossible.

Yet our experience of life is typically of separation, as in it’s me against the world or it’s us against them. And there are very practical reasons, life and death reasons, why we must separate ourselves constantly from things like viruses (Ebola, anyone?). Our sense of being a separate unit, a separate body, a separate life is at least partly due to the constant vigilance of our immune systems–indeed, its job is to identify self vs. not-self, friend vs. foe, nutritious food vs. poison.

This is why it takes a higher order of understanding to surmount this body identity, to see what Einstein described as the “sort of optical delusion” of separate self. Yoga means union. In the Hindu traditions, sound has always been regarded as the best way to experience this union.

And that, dear reader, is why I teach So’ham.


excerpt: Shiva Yoga and Hamsa (by David Frawley)

  • Hamsa – used as the natural sound of the breath, particularly Ham as inhalation through the right nostril and Sa as exhalation through the left; relates to the day or solar breath.
  • So’ham – also used as the natural sound of the breath, particularly So as inhalation through the left nostril and Ham as exhalation through the right; relates to the night or lunar breath.
  • Hamsa Soham – combines both, and reflects the balanced movement of the unitary prana, through the unity of the Sun and Moon.
  • Shivoham – the natural resonance of the prana and mind as “I am Shiva,” the supreme Self-aware Prana.
  • Hamsa Soham Shivoham – Combined meaning of “I am he, he am I, I am Shiva.” This is the “Shiva Hamsa mantra.”
  • Om Hum Hamsa – Adds the fiery mantra Hum with Hamsa as the solar breath to arouse the Kundalini, the Agni Hamsa Mantra. For example, Om Lam Hum Hamsa stimulates the Kundalini in the root chakra.
  • Hrim Hamsa Soham Svaha – Mantra to the Supreme Light, uses the solar mantra Hrim and the fire offering mantra Svaha; a Surya or Solar Hamsa mantra. Many other mantras can be added to this. Using the lunar mantra Shrim instead of Hrim, it becomes a Soma or lunar Hamsa mantra.
  • Om Hum Hamsa Soham Svaha – Mantra to the Supreme Light emphasizing Kundalini and Agni; Agni Hamsa mantra.

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