My definition of sin is “crime against wisdom; going against intuition.” Intuition usually whispers; but if you turn a deaf ear one too many times it WILL yell. Like one memorable night in 1995 at around 2:00am: I was standing outside, watching the milky steam rising up from the snow-covered ground. Daisy had to come out to pee. Inside, the woman I left my wife and family for lay sleeping.

“It’s over, Joe!”
I spun my head around to see who was there, but it was just me and Daisy-dog, alone in the cold and snow and darkness and silence.
Breath is more than personal healthcare, more than an access to meditation. Breath is an access to intuition. Trust the authority of your own experience, your own intuition. Otherwise you, too, may awake one morning too late, surrounded by devastation that could have been averted.