
Breath–not social–distancing

Breath Isolation

Breath isolation–not “social distancing”– should be the focus of the recommendations to maintain six feet of separation to avoid coronavirus infection. Children must be very confused; they can see that parents and others are furiously trying to stay connected. Social media has blown up with sharing news, personal stories, and online courses, classes–events of every … Read more

Coherent Breathing Symphony (expanded edition)

If you or anyone you know wants a simple, easy, and free way to manage blood pressure, this is for you! In addition to the original guided practice tracks, this expanded edition includes relevant passages from One Half-Breath At A Time audiobook. Since the book focuses so much on curing hypertension and pre-hypertensive chronic high … Read more

Baltimore Events March 7-15, 2020

Saturday, March 7 3:00-5:00 at Baltimore Yoga Village You will learn the correspondences between the Serenity Prayer, breath-centered practices, and the autonomic nervous system. Each branch, when activated, generates the three states of the Serenity Prayer: serenity & acceptance, courage to change, and the balance to choose wisely! You will learn how to stimulate and … Read more