
I have this dream

This is my hope, my goal, my dream: one day in the near future breath-centered practices will be as commonplace as brushing. Children will be taught the techniques at a young age, both at home and at school. You will see people practicing in public–and no one will think them strange or weird. Employers will encourage ‘breath breaks’ because productivity, and therefore profit, will go up.

I want to be the one who is remembered as the ‘Pepsodent Man’ of breath-centered practices. But I’ll be happy to see the campaign succeed even if I’m just another foot soldier who made a small contribution to the cause. To me, making a difference is what fulfills.

Many people will promise to turn you into a Black Belt Ninja Master of habits. But only I have the real secret (that’s a joke, in case you didn’t catch the sarcasm). Don’t be surprised if you find creating, growing, and sustaining your new habit to be hard. I don’t mean to make it sound impossible. It’s not. All I am trying to tell you is that the process of habit formation takes more effort than the process of ‘book learning.’

If you want the benefits that accrue from breath-centered practices, you already have the most essential ingredient. Aren’t you glad you stayed the course and made it this far?

-excerpt from One Half-Breath At A Time, “From Dreams and Aspirations, Habits of Manifestation”

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