
In this book, you will learn several powerful, yet simple and easy, practices to stimulate, calm, and balance your energy, mood, and mind.

Let me say the main thing right here, right now: your greatest resource for having more energy, vitality, enjoyment, and productivity is not inside these pages.

Ready for the good news?

You already have it. Your easiest, most direct access to increased vitality, productivity, and happiness has been right here under your nose the whole time you’ve been searching for it! Breath-centered practices, as you will soon discover, are simple tools, techniques, and practices with which you will access them. They are simple, easy to learn, and, you’ll be happy to know, easy to incorporate into a busy lifestyle.

Whether the crisis at hand is a matter of life and death or a matter of surviving your daily commute, breath-centered practices work. You don’t have to be on the front lines–you needn’t be a soldier or police officer–to suffer the ill effects of stress. But you can be sure of one thing: if the military believes breath-centered practices are effective, they must work. And if they help in life-and-death situations, you can be sure they can help you perform better.

Breathing for many, if not most, of us is ‘invisible’: what I mean is that breathing tends to be unconscious and unappreciated. In this book, you will discover how your own breathing can become a barometer, a tool, a companion, a mystery, and a miracle. You will learn several powerful, yet simple and easy, practices to stimulate, calm, and balance your energy, mood, and mind.

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