
A radical notion

Among the millions seeking answers just like you are soldiers, police officers, firefighters, and the organizations they work for. Because lives are at stake, they need training to help them perform their jobs in critical incidents. It should come as no surprise to learn the U.S. Military is at the forefront of much of the … Read more

I have this dream

This is my hope, my goal, my dream: one day in the near future breath-centered practices will be as commonplace as brushing. Children will be taught the techniques at a young age, both at home and at school. You will see people practicing in public–and no one will think them strange or weird. Employers will … Read more

In this book, you will learn several powerful, yet simple and easy, practices to stimulate, calm, and balance your energy, mood, and mind.

One Half-Breath At A Time (paperback cover)

Let me say the main thing right here, right now: your greatest resource for having more energy, vitality, enjoyment, and productivity is not inside these pages.

Ready for the good news?
You already have it. Your easiest, most direct access to increased vitality, productivity, and happiness has been right here under your nose the whole time you’ve been searching for it! Breath-centered practices, as you will soon discover, are simple tools, techniques, and practices with which you will access them. They are simple, easy to learn, and, you’ll be happy to know, easy to incorporate into a busy lifestyle.
Whether the crisis at hand is a matter of life and death or a matter of surviving your daily commute, breath-centered practices work. You don’t have to be on the front lines–you needn’t be a soldier or police officer–to suffer the ill effects of stress. But you can be sure of one thing: if the military believes breath-centered practices are effective, they must work. And if they help in life-and-death situations, you can be sure they can help you perform better.

Breathing for many, if not most, of us is ‘invisible’: what I mean is that breathing tends to be unconscious and unappreciated. In this book, you will discover how your own breathing can become a barometer, a tool, a companion, a mystery, and a miracle. You will learn several powerful, yet simple and easy, practices to stimulate, calm, and balance your energy, mood, and mind.

This book is for you if:

book cover: One Half-Breath At A Time: Discover how to turn stress and anxiety into calm ease, productive power, and radiant joy!

This book is for you if: You are looking for a natural, holistic, and healthy way to manage stress, anxiety, insomnia, or depression You want to take charge of your own health and well-being; you want to cultivate greater health, vitality, and resilience You are seeking spiritual growth and transformation, in order to manifest your … Read more

One Half-Breath At A Time: Introduction

book cover: One Half-Breath At A Time: Discover how to turn stress and anxiety into calm ease, productive power, and radiant joy!

While you’re reading this book, and especially as you’re doing the exercises and inquiries, allow yourself space to do what you’re doing. Be present. For that time span, those moments you spend focused on your breathing, indulge yourself in the simple pleasure of rhythm. The simple act of turning one’s attention onto the cyclical pattern of breathing can be profoundly calming. It only takes two or three cycles for a feeling of pleasure to arise, for…

Rhythm is one of the most powerful of pleasures, and when we feel a pleasurable rhythm we hope it will continue. When it does, it grows sweeter. When it becomes reliable, we are in a kind of body-heaven. -Mary Oliver

About The Author

Joseph Roberson has been teaching yoga for 40 years and he’s amazing at it. He’s taught more than 5,000 classes. He has written, developed, managed, and led Yoga Teacher Teacher Training programs. He has created and conducted yoga retreats in the Mid-Atlantic region and in Costa Rica. He has a fascinating knowledge of breathwork. He’s … Read more